

Dads and Grads... on a budget

Looking to get dad an awesome Father’s Day gift that he can’t put down? Need to get your grad something extra special without breaking the bank? Father’s Day is just around the corner and graduations are recent news so here are a few cool items you can pick up right here at Gr...

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Take Your Sonos System To The Next Level

Do you have a Sonos system?  Are you in love with it? (Most people who own a Sonos System do tend to fall madly in love with it.)  Are you wondering how to take your relationship with Sonos to the next level?  You're in luck.  The Nova from Peachtree Audio creates amazin...

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Why Should You Care About 24-Bit Audio?

Gizmodo recently published a controversial article claiming that the coming of 24-bit audio to iTunes "will be bad for users."  We immediately went to Brian, president of Gramophone, for a response, and here's what he has to say: "This ain’t so si...

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Audiophile vs. The mp3

Being what I would consider a “moderate” audiophile (i.e. I can absolutely hear the difference, appreciate the quality, yet never spent the overwhelming amounts of cash to achieve a super high level of bliss), I found myself over the last ten to fifteen years, trading in the fi...

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Take time to listen to the music.

My wife and I recently took a trip through the heartland of American music, starting in Memphis, traveling down Highway 61 through the Mississippi Delta into New Orleans. Along the way we listened to music on Beale Street, stopped at Sun studio and Stax Records in Memph...

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Hey, What's That Grooved Black Thing?

My first memories of my love for music go way back to my early childhood, laying on the carpet in the living room for hours with headphones on and listening to some of my parents’ old-time vinyl records.  I will never forget the quirky French records my dad would pick up on his trave...

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Music To Our Ears

Picture this: It’s a rainy day and you are finally able to complete your rainy day “to-do” list as you stroll from room to room around your house.  But let’s create a better image of this gloomy day, and why not picture yourself listening to that great new albu...

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