

Julia's Internship Experience

I am no stranger to Gramophone. My dad has been a proud owner of several products/systems and just has the biggest smile on his face when ever he walks in the front door. He’s a musician and a movie enthusiast with an incredible Vinyl/CD/DVD collection to boot.Read More

Why I Want the Geneva Model S, and You Will Too!

I must admit, speakers really kind of bore me. Not to say I don’t appreciate great sound, but I’m not one to enjoy listening to over ten types of good speakers only to try my hardest to find the slightest differences. Instead I tend to go by looks, so what if that might be a little shallow?Read More

Back-to-School 2011

Picture this: a 12’x14’ room with two overly used beds and crummy mattresses, white cinder block walls that are always cold to the touch, and one overhead light that hangs from the ceiling. No, this isn’t your county jail. It’s your standard dorm room. In fact, I’m describing my first dorm room.Read More

The Face of Peachtree’s iDecco

I’m the kind of person who remembers faces, not names. I’ll notice when you’ve gotten a haircut, and I’ll probably be able to pick out that new accessory that you’re wearing for the first time. No, I’m not your personal stalker; I’ve just got a great eye for detail.Read More